It all starts Friday morning (Halloween)...
Jameson wakes up at 8:30 so we give him his morning dose of milk and lay him back down (he was still tired)
Our friend Deveren comes over with his daughter Bailey, super cutie, around 11ish I think. Yes, J is still in bed! So noon comes around and J is still sleeping, I decided to go up and make sure he was still door, oooh what's that smell??? I see his tummy go up and down...wwhhheewwww...he's breathing! OK, now back to the smell
Oh man, so I decided to wake him up and pull him out of his curdled milk jammies and crib and stick him into the tub. BUMMER! How could he be sick?? It's Halloween!!
So we thought maybe it was just the milk, the date was fine on it, but you never know. He spit up a little bit one other time during the day, but nothing else. Towards the evening he seemed fine, he had energy, he was laughing and playing with everyone.
So we go on with our trick-or-treating plans. My parents, aunt and uncle, Les and Teddy, Dev and his two siblings, Bailey, Trisha, Fred, and Hannah (another super cutie) all come over for dinner, some good laughs, and trick-or-treating.
Brad and Fred dressed up EMO!!! HILARIOUS!!! Brad in skinny had to be there! Black painted finger nails, eye make-up, the hair, the clothes, the pink skull belt buckle!

Good stuff! Kammy had a blast! She decided to be Cinderella because she was Tinker Bell in Disneyland. Then we came back to the house for a break, and she decided to be Jasmine the second time around. I didn't get very many pics of the kids, but the ones I did are on my other camera and the battery is dead :( Jameson liked it too, he would slowly shyly walk up to the door, get his piece of candy and wave goodbye saying "do do" (thank you)
Saturday morning I went to a friends baby shower. When I got home Brad told me that Jameson had puked again. Of course it was all over our nice shag rug in our family room! We had given him more milk that morning of course, so we only gave him diluted juice after that. Now fast forward to 2am (technically Sunday) Brad and I are on a mouse hunt...literally! We have mice! EEK!!! Pest control came out Halloween morning and set a bunch of sticky traps in our garage and a few under my bathroom sink because they had chewed there way in and pooped all over my stuff while we were in Disneyland! Well, we caught 8 just that day!!! Anyways, I'm getting side-tracked...we were watching t.v. and Brad saw one come in our house through the fireplace! We freaked out (mainly me) and we were frantically searching for it until after 2am!! The only thing that stopped us was Kammy walking down the stairs covered in puke! She was sick! Ughhhhh
I gave her a bath and put her in some clean jammies while Brad pulled all her sheets and stuff off her bed (it was EVERYWHERE) so by the time we all got in bed it was close to 4am! Oh man! Our poor Kammy was puking every five minutes in a giant white bowl in our bed. Then 6am rolls around and I make a mad dash for the toilet...yep, my turn! So me and kammy puked ALL DAY Sunday. Poor Jameson and Brad! I must say though, Brad was awesome! He was so much help! He knows that I am such a baby when it comes to puking and he was with me every time, rubbing my back, holding my hair, getting me water! I love you babe! Thank you!
BUT, we are all feeling much better and crossing our fingers that Brad won't get it now!