B- Best Friend? - Bradley, and Kammy and I already tell each other "You're my best friend"
C- Cake or Pie?- I'm not a pie fan, so definitely cake!
D-Day of choice?- Fridays are pretty much the best ever...although all the days are blurring together right now
E- Essential item?- Oh man...my makeup bag (and all that's inside hehe)! and lotion!
F- Favorite color?- I love THIS color
G- Gummy bears or worms? I would have to say the worms
H-Hometown?- Hmmm, like where I was born? If so...Minot ND, but I consider Kalispell, MT more of a hometown
I- Indulgence(s)?- mmm so many... Shopping! It doesn't matter what I am shopping for, it can be shoes, clothes, shoes or clothes for Brad or the kids (it doesn't have to be for myself!) decor for the house (I loooove interior decorating...well dreaming of all the fun things I could do if we had endless funds) I LOVE music, so a new song, or a good cd all the way through, music just makes me feel oh so good!
J- January or July? - That's easy for me, JULY! I kinda sorta well, I hate January in a way because it's before the dreaded season
K-Kids?- Kammy (3) Jameson (9months) Budha (pug-4) Guinness (Grate Dane-4)
L- Life is incomplete without?- My family, My husband and kids, My faith
M- Marriage date?- October 24th, 2003-where does time go?
N- Number of siblings?- My sister Leslie, my brother Andrew
O- Oranges or apples?- Ummm, I probably eat apples more often, but I like them both. Apples just seem to taste pretty good year round, and oranges....DON'T
P- Phobias or fears?- SPIDERS!!!! Losing anyone I love
Q- Quotes?- There are so many good ones, but I just don't have many that I can quote, so the one I have on my "myspace" is:
Simple I know, but oh so true.
R- Reasons to smile?- (man Cathi, you had good answers, I just wanted to copy and paste the whole thing ;) My kids always make me smile, when Brad makes me feel like I did when we were dating, a feast of CRAB mmmm! A new anything...shirt, jeans, powder, picture, pillow!-what's with the P's???
S-Season? - As much as I may sometimes deny it when it's 115 degrees, I just opened our PG&E bill, I can never seem to apply enough deodorant, and I pray for a thunderstorm to pour upon me
U- Unknown fact?-I'm like an open book what can I say....I broke my face while cheerleading in high school (broke my orbital bone...Brad thought the broke my face part sounded better ;) Anyways, one surgery later, and some permanent nerve damage on my left cheek/nostril and you can't even tell! Bet ya didn't know that.
V- Very Favorite store?- I hate to say it because it is not the cheapest but if I once again had endless funds I could literally sleep, eat, shop, then die in.....NORDSTROM! Hey it said "very favorite" not "most practical"
W- Worst Habit?- "endangering the lives of my children on a daily basis while multi-tasking behind the wheel of the car" says Bradley! It's true, I know it's bad, I'm getting better though, I can remember driving a stick shift in high school while talking on the phone, applying makeup and steering with my knee......I know, I know, I'm going to get crap for this one. I'm just being honest...But I am better, now I just occasionally apply some powder or gloss, or am on the phone (not at the same time)
X- X-ray or ultrasound?- random question, ultrasound I guess?
Y-Your favorite food?- I have lots of faves, Crab is probably at the top though (refer to "R" it makes me smile :)
Z- Zodiac?- Cancer baby!!!

Now You all know a few fun facts about ME!