Here is little miss innocent on Valentines Day...enjoying her tulips and teddy that
her daddy sent to her that day. Notice the beautiful LONG curls on her head.

Here is what I saw when she came down the stairs from her nap yesterday. Words cannot explain the devastation that suddenly came over me.... I mean, I have heard of those "other kids" cutting their own hair.
But a full on hair cut!
I mean, all the way around the head???
more layers...
all of the back...(other then a rat tail)
I felt the back of her neck thinking......... trying to understand how my baby girl could have done this.

After the many many many many tears I shed....I made it clear never to do that again!
Which was hard because I knew she felt bad enough and she wanted her long hair back but didn't understand that it could not re-attach itself.
And I must say...
This girl has got some hair cuttin' skills! The back was soooo straight!
Then I questioned her as to where her "hair" was.
She told me in her room on the floor...
I know...gasp...ughhhhhhhh, that was a tough one to swallow.
All her beautiful curls on the floor. This was the neat little pile that she left it in.
(why is this underlined?? I can't get it to go away)
Anyways...after the shock set in I took her up to my bathroom and evened it all out. I shaped up her new layers and bangs and here are a few after shots :)

I guess I am just thankful that she did not take the scissors to her scalp or cut herself!
everytime she looks in the mirror she gets a little sad because she says she looks like a boy now...
So I tell her not to ever do it again and that
She is beautiful no matter what her hair looks like!