Yes, this is EXACTLY what it looks like!
A light in our backyard with bird poop all around it...in a seemingly perfect little circle....
I thought that was so weird!
(Hey...good aim right?)
A) Four places I visit over and over:
1. Target, they have it all...and it's right around the corner!
2. ooooooooHHHH Nordstrom is fun!...but I've been good lately
3. The shower...every single morning!
4. And my car! Go figure
B) Four people who email me (regularly):
1. People selling VIAGRA!!!!!!!!
2. Jenn
3. Kris
4.And now Ashley ;)
thanks guys!!!
C) Four places I like to eat:
1. Costa Vida
2. Crush 29-went there for the first time and it's AMAZINGLY delicious! My new fave!
3. Red Robin always sounds yummy
4. subway
D) Four places I'd rather be right now:
1. Disneyland!!! I want to go sooooo bad
2. A beach...DUH
3. Getting a pedicure
4. In my bed with clean sheets freshly made!
E) Four TV shows (movies) I would watch over and over
1. Bachelorette/Bachelor...hurry up already with a new season
2. Desperate Housewives...hurry up already with a new season
3. Comedy movies
4. Any reality show
Four People I'm tagging:
1. Megan
2. Kiara
3. Ashley
4. Brooke and Jenn (is that five if I put it on this line?)
It consisted of the boys playing with a cute little frog they found...Jameson loved it...